I am Jordy Pantoja

Web Developer

About Me

Hi There

My name is Jordy Pantoja and I am a full stack Web Developer currently living in Orlando, FL. I have a Bachelor's of Science in Computer Science from the University of Central Florida. My goal is to learn and experience other development strategies that can help reinvent the web space. I am very passionate about Web Development and strive to better my techniques and new implementations with new ideas and technologies. In my free time, I create pop music as an independent singer/songwriter (check it out on digital markets everywhere if you’d like).

Jordy Pantoja
+1 321-205-6745
English, Spanish
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Every Day is a New Challenge

I mostly work with PHP based driven apps and have an incline to creative design. I enjoy creating logos and figuring out the best way to portray brands. I’ve also worked with React and MongoDB as part of a MERN stack.


WebExercises Academy

WebExercises Academy

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Pro Placement Counselors

Pro Placement Counselors

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Brain Beats

Brain Beats

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USA Paint Pro

USA Paint Pro

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Patient Management Portal

Patient Management Portal

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Get In Touch

+1 321-205-6745